4 Reasons For Creative Business Owners to Join an Online Community

Earning the bragging rights of being “self-made” is something many entrepreneurs strive for. It makes sense—after all, starting up and running a successful business is definitely a big feat. 

But while there are a few truly “self-made” entrepreneurs to have done it, the truth is that most successful people don’t make it to the top on their own.

Instead, most of the hustlers and solopreneurs out there were actually part of a community of some sort, whether it be a formal club, online community, or simply being in the company of good friends and family. 

At the end of the day, we all need some motivation and support in our entrepreneurial journeys, and joining a community of supportive and/or like-minded people is easily one of the best ways to go about it. 


When you position yourself in a space where there are other supportive and grind-oriented people, you’re more than likely to win together. Even if you’re the most talented individual in the room, you still need support at least sometimes. 

Let’s take a look at four benefits of joining a community, especially if you’re a creator, artist, solopreneur, or hustler of some sort. Let’s dive in!

① Spreading Knowledge

Sure, you can take several courses on setting up a website, running marketing campaigns, and optimizing your social media strategy. Or, you can join a community and get free help from fellow members who are skilled in those areas. 

The fact that you can learn from one another is easily one of the greatest benefits of joining a community. If you are wanting to master a new skill, for example, chances are you can find someone who would be more than happy to mentor you. 

Even if you’re just starting out as an entrepreneur, being a part of a community can provide you with valuable insights that can mean the difference between succeeding or failing as an entrepreneur.

Communities have the power to teach you lessons that no course can teach.

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② Tapping Into a Network

Remember the old saying, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know”? Well, that statement actually has some weight to it, and one of the best ways to become acquainted with the right people is by connecting with a community.

As you grow your network and become connected with more like-minded entrepreneurs, you’re also more likely to increase your chances of running into fruitful business opportunities.

In fact, many business partners weren’t lifelong friends—rather, many have met via common communities and started their endeavors from there. 

In short, joining a community means growing your network, and growing your network leads to more opportunities.

③ Constructive Criticism

As you grow in your biz, you’re going to want some feedback on new ideas. Since communities tend to be very collaborative and communicative, they’re the perfect place to post your new ideas, thoughts, or pieces of work for others to provide constructive criticism on.

Especially if you’re going to be introducing your new ideas to a big audience, testing the waters in a private community is priceless.


④ Motivation and Inspiration

Especially in today’s socially-distanced world (thanks, COVID-19), people are more lonely than ever. Even if you are absolutely crushing it with your business, it can be easy to lose motivation and/or inspiration to continue the grind when you have no one to share your experiences with. 

For that, communities are a gem. When you’re feeling down or unmotivated, your community will be there to talk with you, lift your spirits up, and push you to keep on keeping on. Let’s face it—entrepreneurship is hard and can be a lonely journey.

However, by tapping into a community, you’ll always be in good company.

Join a Community of Healers and Gamechangers

So how’s it been? Have you been feeling unmotivated or just can’t seem to progress in your hustle? If so, it’s probably a good time to ask yourself why. Is it a lack of passion? A lack of resources? Or what about a lack of people to share the journey with?

In any case, joining a community of like-minded hustlers and mystic entrepreneurs might just be the answer to all your woes. A thriving community can make a world of difference in your business and your personal life. 

Moonwood is an online community that’s jam-packed with value. Our community offers courses, helpful advice from industry professionals, growth incentives, and of course, a community of amazing people to connect and grow with. 

To find out more and apply for consideration, head over to https://www.moonwood.co/apply.

Curious? Good! Take the next step ☟

Bre gipson

Bre Gipson is an Oakland-based artist who uses common and discarded materials as a means to physically reform the landscape. She received her BA from University of California Berkeley in 2012 and her MFA from Pacific Northwest College of Art in 2016. She has exhibited in art spaces, including Pataphysical Society in Portland, the California African American Museum in Los Angeles, White Walls Gallery in San Francisco, and the University of Alberta in Canada.


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