Cancer season 2024; Healed Girl Summer?


Dearest gentle reader (IYKYK), welcome to Cancer season!

This year landing on the Summer Solstice and on the eve of a full moon in Capricorn. Over all, the next few weeks (June 20th through July 22nd) push us away from the quick moving thinking mind (Gemini) and deep in our heart space (Cancer).

The Summer Solstice is the halfway point of the year- what feels like it could use a tune up in your world? Maybe somewhere you feel the need to “recommit”? In the dawn of Cancer season this is an invitation to come back home to yourself. The Sun is infusing our sensitive side, giving us access to deep inner healing in a nurturing way. 

On June 29th daddy Saturn moves into retrograde (this happens every year!), meaning Saturn from our vantage point on earth- looks to be moving backwards. Saturn continues this backwards motion until November 2024. In the sign of Pisces this is encouraging us to refine our boundaries, spiritual goals and emotional wellness. 

Maybe even a time to review how you reflect?

On the same day Mercury moves in the sign of Leo (July 3rd) Mercury is also at an opposition with Pluto, currently sitting in Aquarius. Mercury is how we communicate, the microphone of the zodiac as it were. In the sign of Leo this is bringing confidence to the way we think and speak. With Pluto in opposition we should pay close attention to obsessive thoughts and actions and how we speak them.

How can you use your words to support a just cause rather than your own agenda?

On July 12th Venus enters the sign of Leo. This is an extravagant position for Leo, heightening our ability to be warm, expressive and proud. We tend to feed on acknowledgement and adoration at this time. Mars conjunct Uranus takes place just a few days later, on July 16th

This is energy that urges us to shake things up, take risks and act erratically.

This is a great time to pour into achieving a goal you’ve set or to chase a desire— with self-control and detachment. Things may not “stick” the way you want them to. 

to note…

New and Full Moons in Cancer season are especially potent times as this sensitive sign is ruled by the Moon! You can use these lunations in a very special way. At the beginning of Cancer season, the full moon in Capricorn on June 21st is ripe with opportunity! Taking place right after the Summer Solstice (longest day of sunlight) is an infusion of light and abundance. In the sign of Capricorn and with nothing else obstructing its fullness (astrologically) this is a gorgeous time to return home to yourself. A mid-year soul check in. 

On July, 5th we have a new moon in Cancer. This new moon is all about you and the rituals you use to nurture yourself. New moons are the darkest part of the lunar cycle, in Cancer this can have the effect of insecurity. Tune into the self-care rituals that allow you to unleash your emotions. Being so close to when we gather in our family systems (July 4th), it’s important to ensure a soothed nervous system for when you may enter unhealed dynamics. 

And then, on July 21st we book end the end of Cancer season with another full moon in Capricorn! This is an opportunity to revisit what you set forth on the first Full moon in Capricorn. In July, this full moon will square Neptune- bringing light to things we may have been a little too optimistic about. But full moons allow us to release, and Capricorn roots us back into reality. If you love it, set it free. Right?

Overall, Cancer season 2024 gives us the opportunity to get in touch with the parts of us that could use a little extra care. And to recall the empowerment we all have access to when we honor our emotional selves. 

Ok, happy Summer! Sending you all lots of sunshine love!

To the moon and back, 


Curious? Good! Take the next step ☟

Bre gipson

Bre Gipson is an Oakland-based artist who uses common and discarded materials as a means to physically reform the landscape. She received her BA from University of California Berkeley in 2012 and her MFA from Pacific Northwest College of Art in 2016. She has exhibited in art spaces, including Pataphysical Society in Portland, the California African American Museum in Los Angeles, White Walls Gallery in San Francisco, and the University of Alberta in Canada.


Gemini Season 2024:Sunshine, Curiosity, Growth Spurts!